Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Open and Save File Formats Support by OpenOffice.org Writer

OpenOffice.org Writer 2.x support to open and save file formats :

OpenOffice.org Writer 2.x (.odt, .ott)

OpenOffice.org Writer 1.x (.sxw, .stw)

Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP (.doc)

Microsoft Word 95 (.doc)

Microsoft Word 6.0 (.doc)

Microsoft Word 2003 XML (.xml)

Microsoft Pocket Word (.psw)

DocBook (.xml)

Aportis Doc (Palm) (.pdb)

Rich Text Format (.rtf)

StarWriter 5.0 (.sdw)

StarWriter Template (.vor)

StarWriter 4.0 (.sdw)

StarWriter 4.0 Template (.vor)

StarWriter 3.0 (.sdw)

StarWriter Template 3.0 (.vor)

Text (.txt)

Text Encoded (.txt)

HTML (.html; .htm)


The .rtf format is commonly used for transferring text files between applications, but you are likely to experience loss of formatting and images when the file is opened by Microsoft Office. The best way to pass a file in Writer to a Microsoft Word user is to save it as Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP (.doc)

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